Feature Highlight


Website & email report campaigns that position you as the local market expert

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Website report pages

3 dynamic reports for locations & listing criteria you choose.


Active, sold, & pending listings update automatically. Map tools and criteria filters help visitors dig deeper.

Open Homes

Make your site a favorite for learning about upcoming open house events.

Market Report

Prices, inventory, & timing stats are all kept up to date to educate buyers & sellers about the locations you choose.

Email campaigns

3 campaigns for each of your Markets will keep buyers & sellers engaged and moving closer to closing.

MarketBoost email example


Provides all the freshest activity every day, including new listings, price changes, and sold listings.

Weekly Open Homes

Upcoming open house events are sent every Thursday to help your leads make plans for the weekend.

Monthly Market Reports

Monthly Market Stats help buyers & sellers understand trends and conditions.

Subscription management

Add leads individually or in bulk to any campaign.

For additional email campaign options that can include your own content, see our Agent CRM features.